Cheung, Man Lai, Pires, Guilherme D., Rosenberger, Philip J., Leung, Wilson K. S., Salehhuddin Sharipudin, Mohamad-Noor. Elsevier; 2021. The role of consumer-consumer interaction and consumer-brand interaction in driving consumer-brand engagement and behavioral intentions.
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Cheung, Man Lai, Pires, Guilherme D., Rosenberger, Philip J., Leung, Wilson K. S., Ting, Hiram. Elsevier; 2021. Investigating the role of social media marketing on value co-creation and engagement: An empirical study in China and Hong Kong.
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Cheung, Man Lai, Leung, Wilson K. S., Aw, Eugene Cheng-Xi, Koay, Kian Yeik. Elsevier; 2022. “I follow what you post!”: The role of social media influencers’ content characteristics in consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRAs).
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Cheung, Man Lai, Pires, Guilherme D., Rosenberger III, Philip J., Leung, Wilson K. S., Lee, Kin Yi. Taylor & Francis; 2024. Driving destination-based brand equity: The role of tourists’ interaction in social-media destination brand communities.